Banking & Treasury

Project Finance

Arranging Project Finance including
  • Project Evaluation
  • Suggesting & Evaluating alternate sources of financing and Recommending one most suitable
  • Preparation of Project Report
  • Negotiating / Follow-up with Banks & Financial Institutions
  • Hand-holding until final disbursement
  • Subsequent support on compliance with the terms of lending, if any

Working Capital Finance

Arranging Working Capital Finance including
  • Suggesting & Evaluating alternate sources of financing and Recommending one most suitable
  • Preparation of the Proposal / CMA data
  • Negotiating / Follow-up with Bank & Financial Institutions
  • Post-Disbursement-Support with periodical submission of CMA Data
  • Interacting with Banks on day-to-day basis

Foreign Exchange Finance

Arranging Finance in Foreign Currency
  • Suggesting & Evaluating alternate ways of financing and Recommending one most suitable
  • Preparation of the Proposal
  • Negotiating / Follow-up with Lending Institution
  • Hand-holding until final disbursement
  • Subsequent support in Compliance with RBI Regulations

Forex Risk Management

  • Suggesting & Evaluating alternate tools in managing Forex Risk
  • Actually, managing Forex Risk on behalf of Client
  • Subsequent support in Compliance with RBI Regulations
  • Designing and setting up a process for handling various Hedging Tools on an on-going basis

Cash Flow Management

  • Setting-up Process for day-to-day Cash Flow Management
  • Advising on bridging temporary mismatches in cashflows
  • Actually, managing daily cashflow on behalf of Client
  • Drawing up Long Term Strategic Cashflow Plans